Day 1?

I’d put the date here but the truth is, I don’t know when it is.

All I know is… I did a bad thing.

All writers have their ways of getting their thoughts down, whether it’s typing it, making brainstorming webs or writing short hand. Mine is old-fashioned. I first start out getting out a notebook and writing like I used to as a kid. I even write out to the mythical “Diary”. My Dear, Dear Diary. She knows me so well and she never judges. Anyways, so much is going on in my brain and for once I’m struggling on how to get it all down. I decided to use this space to share with you, my dear, dear readers my innermost thoughts.

So… welcome to the mind of Elle. I hope you brought snacks, and a glass or two of wine as well because baby … you’re gonna need it!

-Love ya! Elle


Day 2? (who knows time is weird here)